Spiritual Growth
Fr. Apostoli continues to explain the paradox of the cross and why it is a paradox. He shows how it relates to our growth spiritually. It was never a easy message. He looks at what St. Paul says of the message of the cross. Jesus has transformed the cross into a signal of joy and hope. In this sign we shall conquer. Fr. Apostoli then talks about the three different stages of spiritual growth and he looks at them. In each of these stages, the person grows a little more and you can see what is happening to the person. When he begins, a person is trying to overcome sin and goes through purification. He is trying to take the sin out of his life. He'll then move on to a stage where sin is put out of his life. He has a sense of conscience and the Holy Spirit operates in him more. Finally, he'll evolve into a loving union with God. Not many people make it this far. He talks about how the apostles went through these stages and how it is our guide to spiritual growth. It's not the way we begin but it's the way we end that is important.