Called to Communion
Are you "Called to Communion?" In this LIVE call-in show, Dr. David Anders talks clearly with non-Catholics about the faith. We ask the question "What's stopping YOU from becoming a Catholic?"
Jesus Breaking the Law of Moses?
Cult-like religious behavior, the Son of Man, grace and the Holy Spirit are some of the topics on today's Mailbag edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Human Evolution
What does caught up in the air means? My wife opposes my conversion to Catholicism, what should I do? Where is today's priesthood in the Bible? This and more in today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Best Prayer
On today's show Dr. Anders touches on topics as: denominationalism, worship, sacrifice and more. Join us for Called to Communion.
The Sacrifice of the Mass
In today's show Dr. Anders goes deep into the intentions for apologetics, the wrath of God, the Incarnation and more.
Ok to Be Single?
What is the meaning of being born again? Why can't it just be me and my Bible? Ok to sue the Church? This and more on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
About Lutherans
On today's show Dr. Anders talks about differences between Catholics and Lutherans, Purgatory, white lies, sufficient and efficacious grace and more. Join us for Called to Communion.
New Perspectives on Paul?
Where does the idea of being spiritual but not religious comes from? What are functions and offices in the Church? What is Dr. Anders's advice for life? This and more on today's edition of Called to Communion.
What Many Apologist are not Getting
On today's show Dr. Anders shares on his family's reaction to his conversion to Catholicism also help us understand terms like religion, mysticism and more.
A Treasure Hidden in a Field
In today's show Dr. Anders answers questions about the different modes of interpreting Scripture, the Mormon baptism, the appeal of outrage in Catholic media and more.
Not Feeling Love for God?
Have Christians remove books from the Bible? Is getting buzzed a sin? Is chronology important in the Bible? Join us for this mailbag edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Is Peter the Rock?
In today's show Dr. Anders gives us some insight into how Catholicism has changed his life and some common mistakes in the understanding of the situation in Middle East. Join us for Called to Communion.
Why Protestantism Spread so Fast?
Defending Church's teaching on homosexuality? What is a mystic? Do all religions lead to God? Join us for today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Failing to See Myself?
How to explain an instant conversion from a Catholic perspective? Why the divinity doesn't show itself? Explaining religion, tradition and inculturation? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Taking Care of the Basics
Who do we pray to in the Trinity? Is there Antisemitism in the Bible? Did John the Baptist lose his faith in prison? Join us for Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Genesis and Paleontology
On today's Called to Communion we discuss the Beatific Vision, the benefits of Confession, sin in the Old Testament and much more.
Why Go to Mass?
How can I argue against Penal Substitution? What is Transubstantiation? What is the redactional history of the Gospels? This and more in Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Essentials for Protestants
Metanoia as penance or repent? Saved always saved? Join us on this Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Protestants Taking Holy Communion?
What is a Catholic valid marriage? Did Christ descended to Hell? God gives Himself to me or I give myself to Him in the Eucharist? Join us for today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Women Priest Question
Gluten free Hosts, the perspicuity of Scripture and the meaning of "poor in spirit" are only some of the topics on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Can Catholics be Sure of their Salvation?
Why wait until Eastern Vigil for Baptism? Can a neurotic religiosity lead to despair? Is partying and drinking a sin? This and more on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Is the Teaching on Priesthood for Woman Infallible?
Will there be Purgatory after the second coming of Christ? What did Aquinas thought of other worlds? What is the Double Imputation doctrine? Join us for this Wednesday edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
God Likes Process
Women as teachers? Is drinking alcohol a sin? Agustin or Aquinas? Join us for today's edition of Called to Communion.
Where is Protestantism Going?
Valid and illicit Sacraments? Covenant theology? Molinist predestination? Semipelagianism? Join us on this Mailbag edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Eucharistic Adoration 101
Moral armed resistance? Can anger be a response to injustice? What is the relation between Judaism and Abraham's Covenant? Join us in this Friday's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Is God Non-Binary?
What's the difference between material and formal heresy? Are there different modes of the Presence of God? Humility or humiliation? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
From Relics to Mary
Which OT version were the sacred writers quoting? Did the Baptist lose his faith in prison? Monogenesis or Polygenesis? Join us for today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Martin Luther's Revolution?
Precursor intuitions of the Trinity in the Old Testament? What is the origin of nuns? Is the primacy of Peter believable? Join us on today's Called to Communion.
No Sacrifice, No Worship
Excessive generosity? Why didn't God reveal to more people? Can the liturgy help me with my addictions? This and more in today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Are the Saints Omnipresent?
Are the Saints omnipresent? Why do Catholics worship Mary? Don't miss this Mailbag edition of Called to Communion.
What's Love?
What happened in Mary's Assumption? Pray for the dead or to the dead? Is intelligent alien life compatible with the Catholic faith? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion.
Why are Protestants Against Sacramental Marriage?
A badly formed conscience, apostolic succession, the development of Confession are only some of the topics on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Until Death do us Part
Why did Jesus have to try twice to heal the blind? Is the Eucharist prophesized in the Old Testament? Cheap sex? Join us on this edition of Called to Communion.
What did Paul Meant by Works of the Law?
Did Agustin influence the Protestant Reformation? Why people go to Hell if God doesn't want to? Why can't my remains be separated as the Church does with Saint's bodies? You don't want to miss on today's episode of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Inner Ring
Is Justification and the Immaculate stopping you from becoming a Catholic? What does C.S. Lewis's Inner Ring means? What is Jovianism? Don't miss this Friday's edition of Called to Communion.
Is the Bible Inspired?
Did Jesus really existed? Why inconsistencies with the preeminent moral issues? Does everything happens for a reason? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Rock of the Church
What's the meaning of the gifts of the Maggi? Are Allah and Yahweh the same god? What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
What is the Gospel?
What is Heaven going to be like? Is the family changing? Salvation, redemption and justification? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Natural or Sacramental Marriage?
Can suffering be offered for an animal? Redemption of Creation? Is baptism required? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
To Hard on Luther?
Joseph did not knew Mary until? What's the extent of persona Christi? Was the Baptist a martyr? Don't miss today's Called to Communion.
Did God Created Evil and Sin?
Trusting God the same as having faith? Can faith be kept in light of science? Is Church a business? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Spirit and the Megachurch
Beatific Vision or mystic experience? Last rites after death? What is Apophaticism? Don't miss out on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Unforgivable Sin
Stockholm syndrome, the two main things that attracted first pagans to Christianity, faith and reason are only some of the interesting topics in this edition of Called to Communion.
40 Years in the Desert?
Today Dr. Anders tackles on subjects as: essences vs. energies in East and West, psychology and faith, Capitalism, Socialism and more.
Embodied Logos Before the Incarnation?
Polygenism or monogenism? Why Sacraments? Ordination of women in Protestants? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Protestantizing the Faith
Saved after suicide? Did Jesus have brothers? Rapture or no rapture? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Should I Join the Orthodox Church?
How to define an infinite God? Was Lucifer in Heaven before the fall? Is your Catholic faith a daily struggle? Don't miss out on today's Called to Communion.
CTC's Top Three!
In what mode is Christ present in the Eucharist? How should Catholics understand Old Testament prophesy? What distinguishes the Persons in the Trinity? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Bible Historical Criticism of Christmas
What do we know about the infancy of Mary? Was Christmas the original pagan feast of the Sol Invictus? Can non Catholics go to Confession? This and more in today's Mailbag edition of Called to Communion.
Predestination, Providence and Free Will
Fiction lovers looking for transcendence? What's the difference between imputation, active and passive obedience to Christ? Sacrifice of Atonement vs. Penal Substitution? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
The Immaculate Conception
Duns Scotus, Docetism, sophistry in philosophy are only some of the topics in today's Called to Communion.
The Real Origin of the Reformation
How does Jewish law relates to Christians? Is Adam saved? Did Jacob really fought God? Tune in for today's edition of Called to Communion.
Intelligence, Rational and Wisdom
Better to remain unmarried? Was C.S. Lewis close to Catholicism? How to believe in Sola Scriptura? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Is Obeying Required?
What are the main differences between Islam and the Catholic Religion? What is a Theophany? Can old Protestant parents be brought to the Catholic Church? Tune in for today's Called to Communion.
The Mystery of Conversion
The most fitting way to save the world? Can grace be merited? Let the dead bury their dead? Don't miss today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Communion in Hand or Tongue?
How young is too young to get married? Not feeling the joy of Christmas? Did Jesus had brothers? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Catholic Tradition in Video Games?
Modalism, Preterism, sin in Calvinism are only some of the topics in today's Mailbag edition of Called to Communion.
A Blessed Thanksgiving!
Are the Saints omnipresent? Why Sacraments? Chalice or Cup? This and more in today's Thanksgiving Mailbag edition of Called to Communion.
The Eternally Begotten Son
What to expect of ourselves in light of an infinite God? Life reviews at the end vs. personal judgement? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Unity in Doctrine is the Unity of the Church
Why can't married men be ordained if Peter was married? How the 5 points of Calvinism relate to Augustinian thinking? Why isn't the word Catholic found in the Bible? This and more in today's episode of Called to Communion.
Explaining Mary to a non Catholic
What is a "ratum et non consummatum" marriage? Was polygamy common in the ancient world? How did the Rosary came to be? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
All Generations Shall Called Me Blessed
Can priest date? Why be Catholic if there are valid Eucharists in other Churches? Near death experiences? This are some of the topics in this Friday's edition of Called to Communion.
Why the Perpetual Virginity?
What is an annulment? Was Newton right about Christ? Can the Eucharist be consider a relic? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Is Christ a Remake of Egyptian Osiris?
Are Catholics Christians? Who were called Nicodemites? What can be considered Tradition? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion.
How to Read Romans
The Occult, reason and intelligence, engaging an agnostic are some of the topics on today's episode of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Why Body and Blood are Separated?
Is the source of authority a difference between Catholics and Protestants? Need some parent advice? An embodied eternity? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion.
Synoptics Explicit About Love, or Repentance?
What happened on the Cross? Why do Catholics insist so much on Mary? Can the moral life of the priest invalidate the Sacraments? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion.
The Wrath of God
Dating an atheist, the cremation of non-Catholics, salvation security, cessationism are some of the topics in today's Called to Communion.
An Answer to Pain and Suffering
Accompaniment in times of suffering, Jansenism, Islam, LSD, are some of the topics on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
John Nelson Darby and the Rapture
Today's Called to Communion deals with questions about Palamism or Hesychasm and the essence-energies distinction, legalism, the origin of the pre-tribulation Rapture idea and more.
Evolution vs. Genesis?
Evolution, salvation of non-Christians, predestination are only some of the subjects on today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Jerusalem Surrounded?
In today's show Dr. Anders answers questions about: The end of times, IVF, embryos and more.
St. Benedict Joseph Labre
The laity and the orans position in Mass? Spiritual but not religious? Is it rational to believe in the Church? This and much more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
A Better Way to Prove Purgatory
Once saved always saved? Why so many rules in Catholicism? Forgiveness vs. reparation? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Thom's Testimony
In today's show Dr. Anders answers questions related to covenants in the Bible, tithing, the real pains in hell and more.
Lord's Day vs. Sabbath?
In today's Called to Communion Dr. Anders tackles subjects as: The Limbo of the Fathers, history of relics, last rites and much more.
Is Genesis an Allegory of the Church?
What is Antinomianism? Why use the Septuagint? Can a Pope contradict a Council? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Confession, Spiritual Direction and Psychotherapy
Is psychotherapy useful in our spiritual life? Is Halloween Catholic? Why be attracted by conspiracy theories? This and more in today's Called to Communion.
Christopher Colombus on Trial
The Joint Declaration on Justification, the aevum, abortion and Church leadership are only some of the topics on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Give an Answer to Everyone Who Asks
In today's show Dr. Anders answers questions about Christian typology and allegory in C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, measuring spiritual progress, Christian primitivism and more.
True Devotion
Does Catholic Marian devotion borderlines worship? A scientific take on the Incarnation? Did Constantine founded the Catholic Church? Don't miss today's episode of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Can Lucifer be Saved?
Was Lucifer's sin worst than Adam & Eve's? Can the omniscience of God be explained? Will everybody die? This and more in today's edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Real Meaning of Christian Worship
What is the Late Dating Hypothesis? What causes free will? What does the aboriginal vicar of Christ means? This and more on this edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
What is Sedevacantism?
In today's show Dr. Anders touches on issues as Sedevacantism, Do Not Resuscitate orders (DNR), Nestorianism, Jesus's self awareness and more.
SSPX vs. Novus Ordo?
In today's show Dr. Anders takes on challenging questions about the SSPX and the Novus Ordo Mass, the evolution of Catholic teaching, mental prayer and more.
Can we be Part of an Unjust War?
Can we be part of an unjust war? Do Protestants consider that term derogatory? End of the world, the rapture and Eminent Eschatology are all part of this edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Did Martin Luther Changed the Bible?
Did Martin Luther changed the Bible? Why did Jesus descended into Hell? How can an infant receive the grace of Baptism without consenting to it? This and more in today's mailbag edition of Called to Communion. (aired on 03/11/22)
Live from the 2024 EWTN Radio Conference
What if Adam and Eve ate of the fruit but then apologized? Why did Jesus die in A.D. 33 specifically? How can Christ be truth? and more on today's Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
The Meaning of Source and Summit of the Faith
In today's Mailbag Dr. Anders answers questions about how to explain the basics of Christianity, John Wycliffe, Eastern and Western understandings of heaven and much more.
Why did Jesus Left us the Eucharist?
In today's Mailbag Dr. Anders answers questions about the Oneness Pentecostals, the reasonable hope all will be saved, birth control and much more.
The Origin of Mindfulness
In today's show Dr. Anders goes deep into the origin of mindfulness, the dark passages of Scripture, the reality of the Mass and more. Don't miss out on this Mailbag edition of Called to Communion.
What Does it Means to Love God?
In today's show Dr. Anders tackles questions about the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible, what does it means to love God, Mary's gradual knowledge of the mystery of Christ and more.
Sacrifice to Demons?
Did Jesus emptied himself of His divinity? Where does Catholic creeds come from? Why God doesn't speak now as much as in the Old Testament? These are only some of the questions from today's Called to Communion.
Is Genesis a myth?
Is Genesis a myth? How to explain the Eucharist? Are Scripture and Tradition at the same level? This and more in today's episode of Called to Communion.
When was the New Testament Written?
Today's show touches on a variety of topics. From the redemption of the Creation, indulgences and the omniscience of Jesus to Purgatory, canonicity and the redactional history of the New Testament. Don't miss this edition of Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Just War and the Morality of Soldiership
In today's show Dr. Anders responds to questions about: Just war and the morality of soldiership, the moral obligation to take a treatment, Israel today vs. Old Testament Israel and more.
Faith Vs. Reason?
In today's Mailbag edition Dr. Anders answers questions about: Mary and miracles, aliens, the rapture and more.
Did Jesus Need to Be Baptized?
Our listeners brought very interesting subjects to today's show, for example: The Kingdom is here but not yet, does a priest has the power to make Jesus appear?, was Peter the rock? This and much more in Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders.
Have I forgiven?
In today's show Dr. Anders answers questions about The Great Schism, the difficult decision of joining the Catholic Church when coming from Protestantism and an important distinction in the process of forgiving.
Voting Catholic
In today's episode Dr. Anders goes deep into topics as voting Catholic, Papal Infallibility, where does people's rights come from and more.
The Seamless Garment
In today's show Dr. Anders sheds light into subjects as: The invisible Church, the Seamless Garment, the Great Schism and more.