The Gospel of Life vs. The Culture of Death
Fr. Wade Menezes, CPM, will address the important questions with concrete examples of how to live the gospel message of life, love, and joy in a society that seeks to devalue the mystery of Gods creation.
The Bride of Christ: Respecting and Defending the Teaching Authority of Holy Mother Church
Respecting and defending the teaching authority of Holy Mother Church as the Bride of Christ are important realities needed to effectively combat the culture of death. If we separate ourselves from Christ and His Bride, the Church, we risk falling ourselves and becoming victims of prey to the culture of death.
Growth in Personal Holiness: Fourteen Spiritual Exercises to Help Combat the Culture of Death
Growth in personal holiness begins with self-knowledge. In this talk, fourteen spiritual exercises will be presented to help one grow in personal holiness, thus causing the culture of death to shutter in the presence of a dedicated Christian soldier.
The Necessity of Being Faithful Teachers and Preachers
Whether single, married or a consecrated priest or religious, each one of us is called to be an effective teacher and/or preacher of the Gospel of Life. In virtue, especially, of our having received the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, as members of the Mystical Body of Christ, we are called to be staunch defenders of Truth.
Being Solidly Catholic: Promoting A Culture of Life Amidst A Culture of Death
In this talk, concrete examples of how to live the Gospel message of life, love and joy in a society that seeks to devalue the mystery of God’s creation will be discussed. Being solidly Catholic and promoting and defending the truths of our one, holy, catholic and apostolic faith are important realities which have everything to do with conveying this message effectively to the world at large.
Some Chief Architects of the Culture of Death (Continued)
A continuation of the topic covered in Episode #5, in this episode Fr. Wade continues his discussion of some chief “architects” of the culture of death. Father explains how the writings and philosophies of these individuals have negatively influenced Western civilization and thought over the past 150 years, thus militating against the Christian Gospel message of life and love.
Some Chief Architects of the Culture of Death
A discussion of some twenty individuals whose writings and philosophies have had a profound negative impact on Western civilization and thought over the past 150 years. While influencing such areas as politics, education and family life, the philosophies of these individuals, especially, have contributed to society’s moral demise and the rise of the culture of death.
The Nature of Sin
The nature of sin and the part it plays in helping to foster the culture of death will be discussed, as will the moral reality of “guilt” and modern society’s view of these doctrines
Some Chief Elements of the Culture of Death Identified in Modern Culture
What, exactly, is the culture of death, and how can it be identified? Specific examples of the culture of death and how it denigrates against authentic Christian humanism will be discussed as will elements of the culture of death that directly target the sanctity of human life.
The Dignity of the Human Person: Made in the Image and Likeness of God
The human person, made in the image and likeness of God, is called to the Beatific Vision: Heaven for all eternity. By attacking the dignity of the human person, the culture of death militates directly against this truth.
Stating the Problem and Describing the Battle
What is the Gospel of Life and how are we, as Catholic Christians, to live in a society that fosters a culture of death? This episode features excerpts from Pope John Paul II’s landmark encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life.