Man of the Shroud pt 2

Join me this weekend for a new edition of Vatican Insider, especially for the interview segment when I present Part II of a special I prepared for the Easter season called “Who is the Man of the Shroud?” Part I aired Palm Sunday weekend. And now, this weekend, you can sit back and relax and listen to Part II of The Man of the Shroud. For decades, as worshipers gather around the world to commemorate Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. scientists have been studying the results of tests made on an object alleged to be directly connected with that passion. The object of intense religious devotion as well as scientific curiosity is a simple strip of linen, known as the Shroud of Turin. It has been venerated by Christians for centuries as the burial cloth that wrapped the body of Jesus Christ in his tomb after his crucifixion and death. I explore the provenance and history of that relic, as well as the scientific tests that have been done over the years in order to find an answer to the question: Who is the Man of the Shroud? Tune is this weekend to hear the answer! The shroud arrived in Turin, as you will hear, in 1578 and since 1683 it has been housed in the Chapel of the Holy Shroud of Turin’s St. John the Baptist Cathedral.