Fr Gerald Murray Synod on Synodality Pt2

Welcome to a new edition of Vatican Insider on this third weekend of October. The Synod on Synodality continues but is, to the relief of probably all participants, nearing its end on October 29. I have been posting daily updates on the synod on Joan’s Rome, and the Vatican news website has been offering some of the speeches given by participants in the synod. Again this week I focus on the synod in the interview segment where my guest is Fr. Gerald Murray, pastor at Holy Family Church in NY, prolific writer and noted Canon lawyer. He was in Rome to give a talk on the synod and to cover it as well. In Part I last weekend and Part II this weekend, Father talks about the serious concerns he has about the synod process, especially from the point of view of Canon law. This week especially, he also focuses on the Instrumentum laboris, the working document that guides both the preparation of a synod and its actual work.

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